Tuesday, August 7, 2018

A scholarship for Nick Hood

I am sorry to report that Mary Grace has died. The scholarship named for Nick is one of the requested donations if you would like to make one in her memory. The information you need is below. The other request by her family is to the Ozark- Dale County Humane Society.

  As most of you are aware Nick lost his life while on a geology dig with Auburn University. After a long struggle his family has decided to endow a scholarship at Auburn.
His Mother, Mary Grace Hood, has been a long time member of the DCAC and very supportive with her time and talents over the years. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation in her memory or Nick's memory, you may do so by sending a check made to:

Auburn University Foundation
Nick Hood Memorial Scholarship   (in the memo line of your check)

Please mail your check to:

Auburn University Foundation
COSAM Development
 315 Roosevelt Concourse
Auburn University, Alabama 36849

Click Here to read Nick's Obituary