Friday, August 16, 2019

Dale County Auburn Club meets on the 15th!

Hopefully you were able to attend the meeting on the 15th featuring the "New" voice of the Auburn Tigers, Andy Burcham! He was great, as was the crowd. He is certainly aware of the task ahead of him and the shoes he will be filling. Thanks Andy for choosing the Dale County Auburn Club for your first meeting in the Wiregrass!!

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Andy Burcham

Andy Burcham, the new voice of the Auburn Tigers,
 will be in Ozark on 

August 15, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at Hoppergrass Restaurant in Ozark.  

Tickets can be purchased at The Commercial Bank of Ozark or by calling
Tickets are $20.00 and include a meal. 
 Don't delay!  
This is a fast turn around and we need a food count ASAP.